The Country Playhouse Learning Center

Now Enrolling - Call us for a tour...360-825-4666

Conduct Developmental Assessments....

Milestones to be focused on in the Toddler experience:

  • Increased language development
  • Interest in joining groups of children
  • Developing fine motor control
  • Learning songs
  • Increased ability to communicate verbally
  • Ability to problem solve
  • The need to have a routine
  • Showing more independence skills
  • An awareness of self and others
  • Desire to explore environment freely

Our Toddler Program....

In our Toddler program, children are ages 13 months to 2 1/2 years of age, and are now upright; walking, eating table foods and taking only one nap a day. They are on a schedule where their friends are doing the same type of activities at the same time. Our program focuses on the following developmental areas: physical, emotional, social and cognitive, and our educated teachers follow a professionally developed curriculum, Creative Curriculum.  In addition, children will be able to use their newly discovered independence skills as they explore their environment.  Staff will encourage children to use self-help skills as they guide and teach them each day  Routines are essential at this age to help children predict the events that will occur during the day. Consistent limits are set for children so they can determine boundaries.

Ages 13 Months to 2 1/2 Years

Our Toddler Classroom....



